home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1996-10-09 | 28.5 KB | 1,181 lines |
- ;
- ;
- ;Added cola registry entries to be made for cola files
- ;removed the Jonah&.exe to be installed
- ;added hppropty.exe to the run reg key
- ;new jet admin files
- ;removed call to devinstall for ps driver
- ;aplha 011
- ; added new file groups for docwatch, and toolbox and jobs
- ;alpha 012
- ; added registry info for adobe ps driver
- ; new jet admin/ cola
- ;alpha 013
- ; added 16bit cola files to fontsmart flash option
- ; removed win32 from pcl driver file group
- ; removed win32 from ps driver file group
- ; removed win32 from fontsmart file group
- ; turned on printer mass storage option in fontsmart
- ; added pcl.driver.ini.file
- ; added ps.driver.ini.file
- ; set disk images to files to 8
- ;Beta 001
- ; Changed jonah reference in pcl driver to hp5si
- ;Beta 002
- ; Fixed Garamond entry10 to entry20
- ;Beta 003
- ; New fontsmart, new cola, new ps & pcl driver
- ; Ps driver file name changes from Adobe... to HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier PS
- ;
- ;Beta 004
- ; New components
- ;Beta 005
- ; NEED TO Add cola16bit files to the pcl driver to install
- ;Beta 006
- ; Added new printer mopier ps 156
- ; Removed add monitor call
- ; Added PPARM0 for PCL driver name
- ; Added PPARM1 for PS driver
- ; Changed cola.win16 to cola.common
- ; Added cola.common.files to PS Driver
- ;Beta 007
- ; New driver files
- ; Removed drvset32.dll
- ; New Readme file
- ; updated sizes
- ;
- ;Beta 008
- ; Changed Doc Watch to Doc Wise
- ; Changed ToolTime to ToolBox resource names
- ; Removed tooltime.reg from jetadmin
- ; turn off bidi
- ; changed driver names
- ; new ps driver
- ; updated pcl driver action readme name
- ; updated ps driver registry names
- ;Beta 009
- ; newer/ older cola mid week rebuild
- ;Beta 010
- ; changed tooltime reg entries to always be HP LaserJet 5Si
- ; added ps/pcl cola sub components
- ; updated cola.common.files shared priority groups
- ;Beta 011
- ; changed docwatch to docwise in groups and names
- ; added toolbox size = 1
- ; added hpprn16.hpa and hlp to cola.common.files
- ; set the default selection
- ;Beta 012
- ; added the psselections= for the post script driver to
- ; new ps driver files
- ; fix fontsmrt reg entry
- ; delete cola .dat files: added to every component that has cola
- ;RC 1.00
- ; delete HP Property from registry
- ;
- ;RC 1.01
- ; new pcldriver files
- ;
- ;RC 1.02
- ; fixed shared install bug, changed $path to $PATH in driver.readme.file
- ;RC 2.00
- ; adding reboot flag for hpproperty
- ; removed comment on fontsmart inisection, so the section is used
- ; changed script to not check if the log file is writable
- ; fixed netadmin /share bug when installing pcl printer for net admin
- ; then as shared user select ps printer and both drivers appear
- ;RC 3.00
- ; removed the HPPages reg entry for cola
- ; update sizes
- ;vf 1.00
- ; changed oem95.inf for new hplj5si1.* to hplj5si2.*
- ; new update32.exe
- ; set supportNT = 0 in main
- ;vf 3.00
- ; added jetadmin reg entry for JobsViewSettings
- ; new files
- ;3.00
- ; new files from pcl drv, cola, docwise
- ; update sizes
- [main]
- os = 3.50,
- supportNT = 0
- version = 3.00
- title = 100
- componentcount =7
- component0 = driver.pcl.comp
- component1 = driver.ps.comp
- component2 = fontsmart.comp
- component3 = dummy.comp
- component4 = jetadmin.comp
- component5 = docwise.comp
- component6 = toolbox.comp
- component7 = diskimage.comp
- printers = main.printer.list
- logfile = hp5sim95.log
- registrydll = HPREG16.DLL
- registryprocname = RegistryUpdate
- driver32procname = Install32Driver
- driver32dll = HPDRV16.DLL
- net.admin = 1
- checkbidi = 0
- keyfile = $SYSTEM\hp5sim95.cfg
- [main.printer.list]
- printercount = 3
- ; using printer list here for
- ; ps printer, pcl printer
- printer0 = 150, 150,HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX
- printer1 = 152, 150,HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX,HPLJ5SI2,HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX PS
- printer2 = 153, 153,HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier,HPLJ5SIM,HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier PS
- psprinter1 = 1
- psprinter2 = 1
- ; IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI, "HP LaserJet 5Si"
- ; IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI_MX, "HP LaserJet 5Si MX"
- ; IDN_HP_LASERJET_5SI_5SIMX, "HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX"
- ; IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI_MOPIER, "HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier"
- ; IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI_MX_MOPIER, "HP LaserJet 5Si MX Mopier"
- ; IDN_HP_LASERJET_5SI_5SIMX_MOPIER, "HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX/5Si Mopier"
- ; IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI_MOPIER_PS, "HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier PS"
- ; #define IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI 150
- ; #define IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI_MX 151
- ; #define IDN_HP_LASERJET_5SI_5SIMX 152
- ; #define IDS_HP_LASERJET_5SI_MOPIER 153
- ; #define IDN_HP_LASERJET_5SI_5SIMX_PS 157
- [reguninstall32.section]
- os = 3.50,
- supportNT=1
- regtype=32
- netkey = 0
- standalonekey = 1,HKLM
- sharedkey = 1,HKLM
- ;entry? = KeyName,SubKeyName,ClassName,ValueName,REG_TYPE,buffersize,data,data descriptor,modifier
- entry0 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\Install\$TITLE\$VERSION",$COMPONENT,,FileGroupPaths,REG_SZ,,"$FILEGROUPPATHS",,always
- entry1 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\Install\$TITLE\$VERSION",$COMPONENT,,FileGroups,REG_SZ,,"$FILEGROUPS",,always
- entry2 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\Install\$TITLE\$VERSION",$PORT,,Printer,REG_SZ,,$PRINTER,,always
- [cola95.hklm.section]
- os = 3.95,
- regtype=32
- netkey = 0
- standalonekey = 1,HKLM
- sharedkey = 1,HKLM
- entry0 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Providers\HP Network Print Provider",,Name,REG_SZ,,"hpjdpp.dll",,always
- entry1 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\NetworkProvider\Order",,HPJDNP,REG_SZ,,"",always
- entry2 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Services\HPJDNP\NetworkProvider",,CallOrder,REG_DWORD,,16,,always
- entry3 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Services\HPJDNP\NetworkProvider",,Name,REG_SZ,,"HP Network Printers",,always
- entry4 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Services\HPJDNP\NetworkProvider",,Description,REG_SZ,,"HP Network Printers",,always
- entry5 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Services\HPJDNP\NetworkProvider",,NetID,REG_DWORD,,4864,,always
- entry6 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Services\HPJDNP\NetworkProvider",,ProviderPath,REG_SZ,,"hpjdnp.dll",,always
- entry7 = "SOFTWARE\Classes","Printers\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\HPMenu",,,REG_SZ,,"{DA1BF3B0-ECC2-11CD-863D-00001B498CFA}",,always
- entry8 = "SOFTWARE\Classes","CLSID\{DA1BF3B0-ECC2-11CD-863D-00001B498CFA}",,,REG_SZ,,"HP Printer Object Extensions",,always
- entry9 = "SOFTWARE\Classes","CLSID\{DA1BF3B0-ECC2-11CD-863D-00001B498CFA}\InProcServer32",,,REG_SZ,,"hpshell.dll",,always
- entry10 = "SOFTWARE\Classes","CLSID\{DA1BF3B0-ECC2-11CD-863D-00001B498CFA}\InProcServer32",,ThreadingModel,REG_SZ,,"Apartment",,always
- entry11 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft","Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\{DA1BF3B0-ECC2-11CD-863D-00001B498CFA}",,,REG_SZ,,"HP Printer Object Extensions",,always
- entry12 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Monitors\HP JetDirect Port",,Driver,REG_SZ,,"hplocmon.dll",,always
- entry13 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft","Windows\CurrentVersion\Run",,"HP LaserJet ToolBox",REG_SZ,,"$PATH\HPPROPTY.EXE",,always
- ;entry14 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft","Windows\CurrentVersion\Run",,"HP Property",REG_SZ,,"$PATH\HPPROPTY.EXE",,always
- ;entry7 = "SOFTWARE\Classes","Printers\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\HPPages",,,REG_SZ,,"{DA1BF3B0-ECC2-11CD-863D-00001B498CFA}",,always
- delete0="SOFTWARE\Microsoft","Windows\CurrentVersion\Run",,"HP Property",REG_SZ
- delete1="SOFTWARE\Classes","Printers\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\HPPages",,,REG_SZ
- [cola95.hkcu.section]
- os = 3.95,
- regtype=32
- netkey = 0
- standalonekey = 1,HKCU
- sharedkey = 1,HKCU
- entry0 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard","HP JetAdmin",,,REG_SZ,,,,always
- entry1 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard","HP Desktop Status",,,REG_SZ,,,,always
- entry2 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard","HP JetAdmin",,NotificationsPopup,REG_DWORD,,0,,always
- [font.substitutes]
- net.admin = 0
- file = win.ini
- entry0 = FontSubstitutes,Albertus (W1),Albertus Medium,always
- entry1 = FontSubstitutes,Albertus Xb (W1),Albertus Extra Bold,always
- entry2 = FontSubstitutes,Antique Olv (W1),Antique Olive,always
- entry3 = FontSubstitutes,CG Times (W1),CG Times,always
- entry4 = FontSubstitutes,Courier (W1),Courier New,always
- entry5 = FontSubstitutes,Coronet (W1),Coronet,always
- entry6 = FontSubstitutes,Letter Gothic (W1),Letter Gothic,always
- entry7 = FontSubstitutes,Univers (W1),Univers,always
- entry8 = FontSubstitutes,Univers Cd (W1),Univers Condensed,always
- entry9 = FontSubstitutes,Albertus (WN),Albertus Medium,always
- entry10 = FontSubstitutes,Albertus Xb (WN),Albertus Extra Bold,always
- entry11 = FontSubstitutes,Antique Olv (WN),Antique Olive,always
- entry12 = FontSubstitutes,CG Times (WN),CG Times,always
- entry13 = FontSubstitutes,Courier (WN),Courier New,always
- entry14 = FontSubstitutes,Coronet (WN),Coronet,always
- entry15 = FontSubstitutes,Letter Gothic (WN),Letter Gothic,always
- entry16 = FontSubstitutes,Univers (WN),Univers,always
- entry17 = FontSubstitutes,Univers Cd (WN),Univers Condensed,always
- entry18 = FontSubstitutes,Clarendon Cd (W1),Clarendon Condensed,always
- entry19 = FontSubstitutes,CG Omega (W1),CG Omega,always
- entry20 = FontSubstitutes,Garmond (W1),Garamond,always
- entry21 = FontSubstitutes,Marigold (W1),Marigold,always
- entry22 = FontSubstitutes,Clarendon Cd (WN),Clarendon Condensed,always
- entry23 = FontSubstitutes,CG Omega (WN),CG Omega,always
- entry24 = FontSubstitutes,Garmond (WN),Garamond,always
- entry25 = FontSubstitutes,Marigold (WN),Marigold,always
- ;
- ;
- [pcl32driver.hklm.section]
- os = 3.95,
- regtype=32
- netkey = 0
- standalonekey = 1,HKLM
- sharedkey = 1,HKLM
- entry0 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\$DEVICEID",,"Help File",REG_SZ,,"HP5SI.HLP",,always
- entry1 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\$DEVICEID",,"Datatype",REG_SZ,,"RAW",,always
- entry2 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\$DEVICEID",,"Dependent Files",REG_BINARY,,"PCLFILES.BIN",DD_ReadFile,always
- entry3 = "Config\0001\System\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Printers",,"Default",REG_SZ,,"$DEVICEID",,always
- [pcl.32driver.install]
- os = 3.95,
- drv32name = $DEVICEID
- drv32devicename = HP5SI.DRV
- drv32datatype = RAW
- drv32datafile = HP5SI.DRV
- drv32configfile = HP5SI.DRV
- drv32printername = $DEVICEID
- ;drv32printprocessor =
- drv32environment = $ENVIRONMENT
- ;drv32monitor = PJL Language Monitor
- ;drv32monitordll = PJLMON.DLL
- [driver.pcl.comp]
- componenttype = driver
- os = 3.95,
- title = 400
- description = 10400
- keyname = PCL Driver
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- ;osselections =
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- driver32inst=1
- netdrv32 = pcl.32driver.install
- standalonedrv32 = pcl.32driver.install
- shareddrv32 = pcl.32driver.install
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- changenetpath = 0
- selection = multiple
- componentcount = 1
- component0 = pcl.cola.component
- files=pcl.driver.files,driver.readme.file,pcl.driver.ini.file
- action = pcl.driver.action.section
- regsections = reguninstall32.section,pcl32driver.hklm.section
- completed0 = 470
- [delete.cola.dat]
- net.admin = 1
- deletefile0 = $SYSTEM\HPCOLA.DAT
- deletefile1 = $SYSTEM\HPA.DAT
- deletefile2 = $SYSTEM\HPCOLA16.DAT
- deletefile3 = $SYSTEM\HPA16.DAT
- [pcl.cola.component]
- componenttype = other
- os = 3.95,
- title = 1001
- description = 11001
- keyname = PCL ColaBidi
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- sharedcustomdefault = 1
- sharedcomplete = 1
- files=cola.common.files
- regsections = reguninstall32.section
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 1
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- changenetpath = 0
- action = delete.cola.dat
- componentcount = 0
- size = 0
- [pcl.driver.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1106
- standalonepath = $PATH
- netpath = $PATH
- 32bitkeyfile=HP5SI.DRV
- [pcl.driver.ini.file]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 0
- size = 1
- standalonepath = $WINDOWS
- netpath = $WINDOWS
- [pcl.driver.action.section]
- net.admin = 0
- proggroup0 = create,101
- progitem0 = replace,101,750,750,WRITE.EXE $SYSTEM\READ5SIM.WRI
- ;completed0 = 472
- ;
- ;
- [ps32driver.hklm.section]
- os = 3.95,
- regtype=32
- netkey = 0
- standalonekey = 1,HKLM
- sharedkey = 1,HKLM
- entry0 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\$PPARM2",,"Help File",REG_SZ,,"$PPARM1.HLP",,always
- entry1 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\$PPARM2",,"Monitor",REG_SZ,,"PostScript Language Monitor",,always
- entry2 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\$PPARM2",,"Datatype",REG_SZ,,"RAW",,always
- entry3 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\$PPARM2",,"Dependent Files",REG_BINARY,,"$PPARM1.BIN",DD_ReadFile,always
- entry4 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Environments\$ENVIRONMENT\Drivers\",,"Version",REG_DWORD,,656384,,always
- entry5 = "Config\0001\System\CurrentControlSet","Control\Print\Printers",,"Default",REG_SZ,,"$PRINTER",,always
- entry6 = "SOFTWARE\Adobe\PostScript Printer Driver\Compatible Apps",,,"Acrobat",REG_SZ,,"2.1.000",,never
- entry7 = "SOFTWARE\Adobe\PostScript Printer Driver\Incompatible Apps",,,"FrameMaker",REG_SZ,,"4.0",,never
- entry8 = "SOFTWARE\Adobe\PostScript Printer Driver\Watermark",,,"1",REG_SZ,,"0,0,120,120,120,0,1,0,490,700,0,200,Helvetica,Copy",,never
- entry9 = "SOFTWARE\Adobe\PostScript Printer Driver\Watermark",,,"2",REG_SZ,,"0,0,200,0,0,0,1,0,3140,700,0,129,Helvetica,Confidential",,never
- entry10 = "SOFTWARE\Adobe\PostScript Printer Driver\Watermark",,,"3",REG_SZ,,"250,350,120,0,200,0,1,0,3120,700,0,100,Helvetica,Draft",,never
- [ps.32driver.install]
- os = 3.95,
- drv32name = $PPARM2
- drv32devicename = $PPARM1.DRV
- drv32datatype = RAW
- drv32datafile = $PPARM1.PPD
- drv32configfile = $PPARM1.DRV
- drv32printername = $PPARM2
- ;drv32printprocessor =
- drv32Environment = $ENVIRONMENT
- drv32monitor = PostScript Language Monitor
- drv32monitordll = PSMON.DLL
- [pcl.printer]
- os = 3.95,
- prnvisible = 0
- customdefault = 0
- complete = 0
- sharedminimum = 0
- minimum = 0
- sharedcustomdefault = 0
- sharedcomplete = 0
- [ps.printer]
- os = 3.95,
- prnvisible = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- sharedcustomdefault = 1
- sharedcomplete = 1
- [driver.ps.comp]
- componenttype = driver
- os = 3.95,
- title = 700
- pclselections=pcl.printer
- psselections=ps.printer
- description = 10700
- keyname = PS Driver
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- driver32inst=1
- netdrv32 = ps.32driver.install
- standalonedrv32 = ps.32driver.install
- shareddrv32 = ps.32driver.install
- ;devinstallname = HPPS41A.DRV
- ;devprinter = $PRINTER
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- changenetpath = 0
- selection = multiple
- componentcount = 1
- component0 = ps.cola.component
- files=ps.driver.files,driver.readme.file,ps.driver.ini.file
- action = ps.driver.action.section
- regsections = ps32driver.hklm.section,reguninstall32.section
- completed0 = 770
- [ps.cola.component]
- componenttype = other
- os = 3.95,
- title = 1001
- description = 11001
- keyname = PS ColaBidi
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- sharedcustomdefault = 1
- sharedcomplete = 1
- files=cola.common.files
- regsections = reguninstall32.section
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 1
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- changenetpath = 0
- action = delete.cola.dat
- componentcount = 0
- size = 0
- [ps.driver.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1772
- standalonepath = $PATH
- netpath = $PATH
- 32bitkeyfile=iconlib.dll
- [ps.driver.ini.file]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 0
- size = 1
- standalonepath = $WINDOWS
- netpath = $WINDOWS
- [ps.driver.action.section]
- net.admin = 0
- proggroup0 = create,101
- progitem0 = replace,101,750,750,WRITE.EXE $SYSTEM\READ5SIM.WRI
- completed0 = 772
- ;
- ;
- [fontsmart.comp]
- componenttype = other
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- title = 500
- description = 10500
- keyname = FontSmart
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $BOOTDRIVE\HPFONTS
- changestandalonepath = 1
- netpath = $SYSTEM\HPFONTS
- changenetpath = 1
- inifile = fontsmart.ini.printer.matching,iniuninstall16.section
- regsections = reguninstall32.section,fontsmart.tooltime.reg.section
- selection = single
- componentcount = 3
- component0 = fontsmart.custom.fonts
- component1 = fontsmart.matching.fonts
- component2 = fontsmart.all.fonts
- compoption = fontsmart.flash
- checkprevious=fontsmart.previous
- minimumfiles=fontsmart.files
- files=fontsmart.files
- action = fontsmart.action
- hardware = 3
- hardwaremessage = 9001
- hardwarecaption = 9002
- completed0 = 570
- [fontsmart.tooltime.reg.section]
- os = 3.95,
- regtype=32
- netkey = 0
- standalonekey = 1,HKLM
- sharedkey = 1,HKLM
- entry0 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\HP ToolTime","HP LaserJet 5Si\Utility Software\$COMPONENT",,"Path",REG_SZ,,"$PATH\FONTSMRT.EXE",,always
- entry1 = "SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\HP ToolTime","HP LaserJet 5Si\Utility Software\$COMPONENT",,"Icon Index",REG_BINARY,,00,,always
- [fontsmart.previous]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- progitem0 = query,101,500
- [fontsmart.action]
- net.admin = 0
- proggroup0 = create,101
- progitem0 = replace,101,500,500,$PATH\FONTSMRT.EXE
- deletefile0 = $WINDOWS\fontsmrt.ini
- completed0= 571
- [fontsmart.flash]
- componenttype = font
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- title = 505
- keyname = FontSmart.MassStorage
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 0
- complete = 0
- sharedminimum = 0
- minimum = 0
- sharedcustomdefault = 0
- sharedcomplete = 0
- files=cola.common.files
- ;inifile = iniuninstall16.section
- regsections = reguninstall32.section
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $PATH
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $PATH
- changenetpath = 0
- action = delete.cola.dat
- componentcount = 0
- size = 0
- [fontsmart.custom.fonts]
- componenttype = font
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- title = 504
- description = 10504
- keyname = FontSmart.Fonts
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 0
- complete = 0
- sharedminimum = 0
- minimum = 0
- sharedcustomdefault = 0
- sharedcomplete = 0
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- inifile = fontsmart.ini.custom
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $PATH
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $PATH
- changenetpath = 0
- componentcount = 0
- size = 2578
- [fontsmart.matching.fonts]
- componenttype = font
- supportNT=1
- os = 3.95,
- title = 502
- description = 10502
- keyname = FontSmart.Fonts
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- sharedcustomdefault = 1
- sharedcomplete = 1
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $PATH
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $PATH
- changenetpath = 0
- inifile = fontsmart.ini.section
- componentcount = 0
- size = 6310
- completed0 = 572
- [fontsmart.all.fonts]
- componenttype = font
- supportNT=1
- os = 3.95,
- title = 503
- description = 10503
- keyname = FontSmart.Fonts
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 0
- complete = 0
- sharedminimum = 0
- minimum = 0
- sharedcustomdefault = 0
- sharedcomplete = 0
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $PATH
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $PATH
- changenetpath = 0
- inifile = fontsmart.ini.section
- componentcount = 0
- size = 23153
- completed0 = 573
- [fontsmart.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- supportNT=1
- size = 0
- standalonepath = $PATH
- netpath = $PATH
- 32bitkeyfile=fontsmrt.exe
- [fontsmart.ini.section]
- net.admin = 0
- file = win.ini
- entry0 = "$DEFPRINTER0,$NOCOLONPORT",ttscreen,1,always
- entry1 = "$DEFPRINTER1,$NOCOLONPORT",ttscreen,1,always
- entry2 = "$DEFPRINTER2,$NOCOLONPORT",ttscreen,1,always
- [fontsmart.ini.custom]
- net.admin = 0
- file = fontsmrt.ini
- entry0 = Preferences,FontSmart,$PATH, always
- [fontsmart.ini.printer.matching]
- net.admin = 0
- file = prntname.ini
- entry0 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont1,"CG Times,CG Times", always
- entry1 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont2,"Courier,Courier New,TT", always
- entry2 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont3,"Letter Gothic,Letter Gothic", always
- entry3 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont4,"Univers,Univers", always
- entry4 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont5,"Garamond,Garamond", always
- entry5 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont6,"Univers Condensed,Univers Condensed", always
- entry6 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont7,"CG Omega,CG Omega", always
- entry7 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont8,"Antique Olive,Antique Olive", always
- entry8 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont9,"Albertus Medium,Albertus Medium", always
- entry9 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont10,"Clarendon Condensed,Clarendon Condensed", always
- entry10 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont11,"Marigold,Marigold,HPTT", always
- entry11 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont12,"Coronet,Coronet,HPTT", always
- entry12 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont13,"Wingdings,Wingdings,TT", always
- entry13 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont14,"Symbol,Symbol,TT", always
- entry14 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont15,"Arial,Arial,TT", always
- entry15 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont16,"Times New Roman,Times New Roman,TT", always
- entry16 = DeviceFonts,PCLFont17,"Albertus Extra Bold,Albertus Extra Bold", always
- entry17 = DeviceFonts,PSFont1,"ITC Avant Garde Gothic,Century Gothic", always
- entry18 = DeviceFonts,PSFont2,"ITC Bookman,Bookman Old Style", always
- entry19 = DeviceFonts,PSFont3,"Courier,Courier New,TT", always
- entry20 = DeviceFonts,PSFont4,"Helvetica,Arial,TT", always
- entry21 = DeviceFonts,PSFont5,"Helvetica Narrow,Arial Narrow", always
- entry22 = DeviceFonts,PSFont6,"New Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook", always
- entry23 = DeviceFonts,PSFont7,"Palatino,Book Antiqua", always
- entry24 = DeviceFonts,PSFont8,"Times Roman,Times New Roman,TT", always
- entry25 = DeviceFonts,PSFont9,"ITC Zapf Chancery,Monotype Corsiva,HPTT", always
- entry26 = DeviceFonts,PSFont10,"ITC Zapf Dingbats,Monotype Sorts,HPTT", always
- entry27 = DeviceFonts,PSFont11,"Symbol,Symbol,TT", always
- [cola.common.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1748
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- netsharedgroup=1
- sharedgroup=1
- prioritycomp=0^0,1^0,4,5,6,2^100
- ;prioritynetpath=$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM
- ;prioritypath=$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM
- ;
- ;
- [jetadmin.comp]
- componenttype = other
- os = 3.95,
- title = 800
- description = 10800
- keyname = JetAdmin Component
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- minimum = 0
- sharedcustomdefault = 0
- sharedcomplete = 0
- requiresnet = 1
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 0
- reboot = 1
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- inifile = iniuninstall16.section
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- changenetpath = 0
- componentcount = 0
- checkprevious=jetadmin.previous
- files=win32.jetadmin.files,win32.cola.files,cola.common.files
- action =jetadmin.action,delete.cola.dat
- regsections = reguninstall32.section
- ;inifile=
- completed0 = 870
- [jetadmin.previous]
- os = 3.95,
- complete = 1
- custom = 1
- net.admin = 1
- progitem0 = query,101,800
- [win32.cola.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 6590
- regsections=cola95.hklm.section,cola95.hkcu.section
- netsharedgroup=1
- sharedgroup=1
- prioritycomp=4,5,6
- prioritynetpath=$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM
- prioritypath=$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- 32bitkeyfile=hpcola.dll
- [win32.jetadmin.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 788
- standalonepath = $PATH
- netpath = $PATH
- 32bitkeyfile=jetadmin.exe
- [jetadmin.action]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 0
- proggroup0 = create,101
- progitem0 = replace,101,800,800,$PATH\JETADMIN.EXE
- completed0 = 871
- ; End of JetAdmin
- [setup95.file]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 39
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- netsharedgroup=1
- sharedgroup=1
- prioritycomp=1,0
- prioritypath=$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM
- prioritynetpath=$SYSTEM,$SYSTEM
- ;
- ;
- [docwise.comp]
- componenttype = other
- os = 3.95,
- title = 200
- description = 10200
- keyname = Doc Wise
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 1
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- changenetpath = 0
- componentcount = 0
- files=win32.docwise.files,win32.cola.files,cola.common.files
- ;inifile =
- action = delete.cola.dat
- regsections = reguninstall32.section
- completed0 = 201
- [win32.docwise.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 294
- standalonepath = $PATH
- netpath = $PATH
- 32bitkeyfile=HPDOCAGT.EXE
- ;
- ;
- [toolbox.comp]
- componenttype = other
- os = 3.95,
- title = 300
- description = 10300
- keyname = HP ToolBox
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 1
- minimum = 1
- ;osselections =
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 1
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- changestandalonepath = 0
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- changenetpath = 0
- componentcount = 0
- files=win32.cola.files,cola.common.files
- size=1
- ;inifile =
- ;action =
- action = delete.cola.dat
- regsections = reguninstall32.section
- completed0 = 301
- [dummy.comp]
- componenttype = other
- os = 1.0,1.0
- title = 900
- description = 10900
- keyname = Disk Images
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 0
- minimum = 0
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 0
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSDRIVE\HPLJ5SIM
- changestandalonepath = 1
- netpath = $SYSDRIVE\HPLJ5SIM
- changenetpath = 1
- componentcount = 0
- ;
- ;
- [diskimage.comp]
- componenttype = other
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- title = 900
- description = 10900
- keyname = Disk Images
- keysection = components
- net.admin = 1
- customdefault = 1
- complete = 1
- sharedminimum = 0
- minimum = 0
- requiresbidi = 0
- allownonbidi = 1
- reboot = 0
- net.admin.reboot = 0
- path = 1
- standalonepath = $SYSDRIVE\HPLJ5SIM
- changestandalonepath = 1
- netpath = $SYSDRIVE\HPLJ5SIM
- changenetpath = 1
- componentcount = 0
- files=disk1.image.files,disk2.image.files,disk3.image.files,disk4.image.files,disk5.image.files,disk6.image.files,disk7.image.files
- completed0 = 970
- [disk1.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK1
- netpath = $PATH\DISK1
- [disk2.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK2
- netpath = $PATH\DISK2
- [disk3.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK3
- netpath = $PATH\DISK3
- [disk4.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK4
- netpath = $PATH\DISK4
- [disk5.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK5
- netpath = $PATH\DISK5
- [disk6.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK6
- netpath = $PATH\DISK6
- [disk7.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK7
- netpath = $PATH\DISK7
- [disk8.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK8
- netpath = $PATH\DISK8
- [disk9.image.files]
- os = 3.95,
- supportNT=1
- net.admin = 1
- size = 1440
- standalonepath = $PATH\DISK9
- netpath = $PATH\DISK9
- [netware.shared.files]
- os = 3.95,3.90
- net.admin = 1
- size = 574
- netsharedgroup=1
- sharedgroup=1
- prioritycomp=2,5,4,3^100
- prioritynetpath=$SYSTEM,$PATH,$PATH,$SYSTEM
- prioritypath=$SYSTEM,$PATH,$PATH,$SYSTEM
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- [netware.1632.files]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 145
- netsharedgroup=1
- sharedgroup=1
- prioritycomp=2,5,4,3^100
- prioritynetpath=$SYSTEM,$PATH,$PATH,$SYSTEM
- prioritypath=$SYSTEM,$PATH,$PATH,$SYSTEM
- standalonepath = $SYSTEM
- netpath = $SYSTEM
- [driver.readme.file]
- os = 3.95,
- net.admin = 1
- size = 61
- netsharedgroup=1
- sharedgroup=1
- prioritycomp=0,1
- prioritynetpath=$PATH,$PATH
- prioritypath=$PATH,$PATH
- standalonepath = $PATH
- netpath = $PATH